Site icon Benedictine Sisters of Yankton

Seasonal Group Retreats

 Join the Peace Center staff and people from around the country on Zoom for these morning Advent and Lenten retreats. Our Triduum retreat in April is residential, joining the Sisters for liturgy.

Learn more about our seasonal retreats:
Lenten RetreatTriduum Retreat | Advent Retreat

You can schedule a silent personal retreat at any time. We also offer several other spiritual growth opportunities at our retreat center.

Triduum Retreat

Holy Thursday, April 17 to Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025

Come, enter the silence, and experience the rich liturgies of this Triduum Retreat with the monastic community at Sacred Heart Monastery in Yankton, South Dakota. These sacred three days are the holiest days of the Church year when we celebrate the events embracing the central mystery of the Incarnation. The Benedictine Sisters invite you to join them in this extended time of quiet, prayerful silence, and the rich liturgical celebration of the PASSION, DEATH, and RESURRECTION of CHRIST. This Holy Week retreat begins at 4:00 p.m. on April 17, Holy Thursday, and ends with a festive noon dinner on Easter Sunday.

The Benedictine Peace Center staff will welcome you to this time of silence.

We are currently accepting fully vaccinated and boosted residential retreatants at the Benedictine Peace Center.  Should there be an increase in COVID rates in our area, please know that we may need to add restrictions and protocols.

 Personal silent retreats may be arranged at another time that better fits your schedule.

To make reservations, contact us at benedictinepeacectr@yanktonbenedictines.orgor call (605) 668-6292.  Space is limited.

Mid-Lent Retreat

The Paschal Mystery: Insights from the Eastern Christian Tradition

Saturday, April 5, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 am

Have you ever wondered why we say in the creed “He descended into hell”? Sister Marielle Frigge, OSB will explore the imagery of Christ’s descent into hell/Hades as representing the Resurrection of a redeemed community. Her reflections will unwrap the significance of icons for revealing this meaning of the Paschal event.

Cost: $30

Registration Deadline: Thursday, April 3 at noon

2025 Retreat Brochure

Advent Retreat

Mary’s Song: An Invitation and Response

Saturday, December 7, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 am

Mary’s invitation and openness to receive the Word models the invitation to respond to God’s invitations in our life. Mary was a faithful Jewish woman who knew the stories of God rescuing the widow and orphan and forsaking the rich. She knew that saying “yes” to God’s invitation could turn the powers of the world upside down, and she gives us an example to follow in creating a world of peace and justice.

Cost: $30

2025 Retreat Brochure

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