Residential Volunteer Program
Are you a woman who is looking for meaningful and enriching work experiences? Pursuing your education, but are in desperate need of a break from the books? Contemplating religious life, but would like to see what living in a Monastic community is like first?
The Residential Volunteer Program provides single women (55 and under) with several opportunities to share in the religious life, prayer, and ministries of the Monastery. While at the Monastery, volunteers are given their own, private rooms and a small monthly stipend. Volunteers are also invited to join the Sisters for meals, daily Eucharist, Liturgy of the Hours, and other daily activities.
Upon coming to the Monastery, the volunteer will receive an official welcome and blessing ceremony with the Sisters. There is also a brief orientation where the volunteer learns more about the Sacred Heart Community. After these steps are concluded, the volunteer can enter into the Benedictine balance of ‘Ora et Labora’ – prayer and work.

Want to learn more?
Contact Sister Bonita Gacnik
Phone: (605) 760 – 2741
or fill out the contact form below.
Ready to apply?
To apply, you must fill out the form by clicking below. All of your information is completely confidential. After applying, you will also be asked to:
- Provide contact information for 2 references (non-family members). We request that they either be a spiritual director, pastor, supervisor, or faculty member.
- Provide a release for a background check
- Participate in a video or telephone interview prior to your acceptance
“My time at Sacred Heart Monastery was a blessing in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I was able to allow God to work within me, to open my heart, and to see the beauty in life again. The sisters welcomed the volunteers with open arms and with the deepest generosity I believe I have ever seen. I had no idea that in the midst of giving myself I would receive so much in return.”