Spiritual Growth Programs

at the Benedictine Peace Center

Be part of a spiritual growth program at the Benedictine Peace Retreat Center.  Each program uses study, presentations, discussion, and prayer for a holistic spiritual experience. 

Learn More About:

Contemplative Mornings | Lectio Divina | Scripture Study | Spiritual Enrichment Program

Currently, each spiritual growth program is held online because of COVID-19. Some on-site retreats and discussions will resume when it is safe to do so.


retreats at the Benedictine Peace Center

Spiritual Enrichment Program

This one-year Spiritual Enrichment Program is open to men and women who desire to deepen their relationship with God.   Program participants gather eight times on a Saturday morning from September through April.  In addition, each person may enjoy a three-day silent retreat scheduled at your convenience.

Each program year will address new topics of interest to women and men on the spiritual journey.  Sessions seek to bring a theological and spiritual perspective to a faith journey within the Christian tradition.  Previous participants may opt to continue and new participants may begin each September.

2024-2025 discussion starter:
Wrestling with God: Finding Hope and Meaning in our Daily Struggles to be Human
By: Ronald Rolheiser

spiritual enrichment program Scott

Scripture Study Programs

The Eucharist in Scripture

 Wednesday Mornings, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. (CST)
Wednesday Evenings, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (CST)
Six Sessions, Spring 2025
Beginning March 5

Gather for an online study of The Eucharist in Scripture by Clifford Yeary.  Sessions are facilitated by Sr. Mary Jo Polak, OSB, and include study and reflection questions, discussion, and group prayer.

Register by Feburary 26, 2025.

Contemplative Mornings

Third Saturday of Most Months | 9 AM-Noon

blankMany Christians today long for a more intimate relationship with God that is not always experienced through praying primarily with discursive prayer.  Centering prayer is a form of prayer that is responding to that desire, that need.  In Centering Prayer, we come to God open, receptive, and willing to listen. It gives us a chance to just be present to God’s love and to let go of the daily distractions of life. 

Centering Prayer sessions are usually held on the third Saturday of most months at Sacred Heart Monastery from 9 – 11:45. This involves four 20 minute sitting sessions, with a break in the middle. This is complemented by a teaching and a time for quiet solitude.   Participants are expected to be vaccinated.

For further information or to participate in this spiritual growth program, download our brochure. You may also contact us at Benedictine Peace Center 605-668-6292 or email Sr. Doris at:  doberembt@yanktonbenedictines.org.  Please call ahead as our schedule sometimes varies.  We appreciate your offering via PayPal, cash, or check, payable to Benedictine Peace Center, 1005 W. 8th St., Yankton, SD 57078.  


Lectio Divina


Lectio Divina means “sacred reading.”  It is a way of praying with Scripture, listening to God’s Word.  Lectio is part of our early Christian heritage, helping us to encounter God in His living word.  In our online lectio divina, we read a Scripture passage several times.  Short times of silence between the readings allow God’s Word to soak into us, to speak to us.  Lectio invites us to pray Scripture, rather than study it, as we listen for God’s voice  We open our hearts so that God’s Word can touch us and guide our living as we pray with Scripture.  In our online lectio, there is time to share your reflections with other participants, if we choose.

Online Lectio Divina – Praying together with Scripture

Friday Mornings,  10:00 – 10:45 a.m., Central time 

Meet online for lectio divina, a time for praying with the Gospel of the following Sunday.  Our gatherings are scheduled on most Fridays (10-10:45 AM). All Christians are welcome to these gatherings, led by S. Doris Oberembt OSB.

To register at any time, contact Sister Doris:
doberembt@yanktonbenedictines.org / 605-668-6022.
Your email address will be needed when you register.
We appreciate your offering via PayPal, or check,
payable to Benedictine Peace Center, 1005 W. 8th St. Yankton, SD 57078.

You may join this spiritual growth program at any time; the group will continue as long as there is interest.  Note that it does not meet every Friday because of program conflicts.   

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