Spread good zeal: become an Oblate

Together, we shape lives, guided by the wisdom of Christ, interpreted by St. Benedict.

Oblates of St. Benedict are people who associate themselves with a Benedictine community to enrich their way of life. Over 400 men and women of many different faiths and walks of life belong to the Sacred Heart Monastery Oblates.

Oblates seek God by striving to follow His will in their chosen profession and way of life. By integrating their prayer, ministry, and work of all kinds, they manifest God’s presence in society.

Oblates do not live in the monastic house but are associated with monastic communities in a bond of prayer, love, and commitment. They make promises, not vows—to follow the Gospels under the guidance of the Rule of Benedict.

Oblates adopt values that are part of the fabric of Christian spirituality, such as spending time daily, when possible, reflecting on the Sacred Scriptures, a commentary, or the Rule of Benedict. They strive to cultivate an awareness of the presence of God in private and communal prayer (when feasible) and while at work or leisure.

Find that special peace and joy that Christ promised to all who follow Him.

How to Become an Oblate of Sacred Heart Monastery

Oblates are always connected to a Benedictine Monastery because relationships and community are integral to Benedictine spirituality. Comparable to the formation of a monk, an Oblate may come to Oblate meetings, speak with an Oblate director, and study to discern if this is where God is leading him or her for spiritual growth. 

Sacred Heart Monastery has several Oblate Chapters who gather for prayer, learning, and a supportive community.  We welcome men and women of all faiths to associate with our community as an Oblate. 

We invite you to meet with our Oblate director to discuss all of the opportunities of being an Oblate. Candidates enter into a formal period of formation, which usually lasts a year. At that point, and with the community’s blessing, the person professes their oblation in a formal ceremony.

Click HERE for an information brochure about becoming an oblate. 

Where to Become an Oblate:
Yankton Chapter
Sioux Falls Chapter
Nebraska Chapter
Mount Marty University Chapter
Online Chapter


For more information contact:

Sister Patricia Heirigs, Oblate Director

Email: patricia.heirigs@yanktonbenedictines.org

Phone: 605-668-6017

Address: 1005 West 8th Street
Yankton, SD 57078

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