Spiritual Direction
at the Benedictine Peace Center
Spiritual direction is an ancient practice of meeting regularly with a guide to reflect on your relationship with God. The spiritual director listens prayerfully, raises questions, and gently supports the directee. Spiritual direction helps one focus and intensify their journey with God.
The spiritual director and directee meet regularly — usually every month for one hour. The Peace Center staff are available to direct you, or they can arrange for another Sister who is a trained spiritual director. To learn more about the opportunities at the Benedictine Peace Center, download our Spiritual Direction Brochure.
During this time of social distancing, online direction is offered at the Peace Center. We are also offering in-person opportunities, COVID permitting.
To begin your journey with a spiritual director, complete the form below, email us at benedictinepeacectr@yanktonbenedictines.org, or call (605) 668-6292.
Cost for spiritual direction: $45 to $70 per session, beginning July 1, 2022. Payable by cash, check payable to Benedictine Peace Center, 1005 W. 8th St., Yankton, SD 57078, or via PayPal.
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