Monastic Life. Benedictine Sisters. Sacred Heart.

Committed to each other.

We hope the Sisters of Sacred Heart Monastery can be a shining example of a life of prayer together. We are a religious community that offers spiritual guidance, ministry, and volunteer opportunities steeped in Benedictine values, peace, and monastic spirituality. 

Ours is a full life. We’re PhD professors, nurse practitioners, and pastoral ministers; we are gardeners, bakers, and seamstresses…and everything in between. We’ve found a place to call home, where we put those skills to good work in our ministries.

We have the connections and the relationships here that provide spiritual direction and guidance. We’ve spent a lifetime honing the kind of skills that help us do God’s work together.

Join us in community with 62 Benedictine Sisters in Yankton, South Dakota, who work, pray, and play, and celebrate together. 

Live according to St. Benedict

We live in a monastic community according to the Rule of St. Benedict with its 1500 years of lived tradition.

Obedience, Stability, & Conversion of Life

Spiritually led

We are led by a prioress, who is the spiritual leader of our community and one whom we believe is a voice and presence of Christ in our lives.

The Alps to the Plains

We are women of the Dakota prairies who trace our roots to the Swiss community of Maria Rickenbach, nestled on the side of a picturesque Alp.

Ministering to God's People

We are women, who since 1880 — beginning in Maryville, Missouri and then in the Dakotas and beyond — have ministered to God and God’s people.

Prayer. Work. Leisure.

We strive for a balanced life of prayer, work, and leisure in our lives.

We share our hopes and dreams, our resources and talents, our challenges and sorrows as TOGETHER WE SEEK GOD.

Answers to your prayers….and answers to your questions.

Check out our FAQ

…everything you ever wanted to know about being a Sister, but were too shy to ask.

Get Involved.

Day Volunteer | Vocation | Residential Volunteer | Prayer Services | Oblates | Retreat

Build bridges between Benedictine tradition and contemporary life.

Community Photo

Mission Driven

Be Benedictine

Seek God in everyone and everything. We are Benedictine, spiritual seekers called to become who we were meant to be, and to do something special with our lives. We walk a clear path to wholeness and connectivity, living our core values: community, awareness of God, and hospitality. 

Won’t you join us on that mission?

Make a Prayer Request online.

Renew the spirit and connect with God.

Click here to submit a prayer request online to Sacred Heart Monastery, Yankton SD.

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